Held as part of Re-Action School at Eastside Projects We Hybrids was informed by campaign material from Artists’ Union England, asking participants to explore the way they position themselves within a larger workers movement. More specifically, how can we begin the process of creating better and fairer conditions for ourselves and others? How does one begin to see oneself as a worker and part of labour movement, rather than just as an artist? How can artists collectively become a force towards social change?
The group participating in the workshop, which consisted of cultural workers, created hypothetical characters based on their own experiences of inequality, exploring participants’ ability to influence change. They worked together as a group to develop a micro-play inspired by techniques from the Theatre of the Oppressed.
More information can be found here.
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects
We Hybrids Workshop at Eastside Projects fot. Oliver Riley